ALROSA Group (MCX:ALRS), the world leader in diamond production, announced diamond sales results for December and interim results for 2017.
As quoted in the press release:
In December 2017, ALROSA Group sold US$237.8 million worth of rough and polished diamonds. Rough diamond sales by value amounted to US$228.3 million, polished diamond sales – US$9.5 million.
According to preliminary figures, ALROSA’s rough and polished diamond sales in 2017 amounted to US$4.267 billion. Rough diamonds were sold for US$4.17 billion, polished diamonds – for US$96.9 million.
Yury Okoemov, vice president, commented:
In 2017, rough diamond demand was fairly stable, market activity was in line with the seasonality and our expectations. The average price of rough diamonds sold by ALROSA was a little lower than a year ago, which is due to the changed sales assortment resulting from the increased demand for small-sized rough diamonds from Indian diamond cutting sector in the first half of 2017. We expect that in 2018 the diamond market will be balanced due to a moderate growth in the global demand for diamond jewelry and no major change in the global diamond mining.
Click here to read the full ALROSA Group (MCX:ALRS) press release.
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